The Stronghold Climbing Gym

Fast Track


Ready to brave the outdoors? This Fast Track 12-week clinic series will teach you the fundamentals of outdoor sport climbing, multi-pitch, trad, and self-rescue. Led by Bill.

Week 1 (1/7). Anchors I: Sport and toprope anchors
Week 2 (1/14). Anchors II: Traditional anchors
Week 3 (1/21). Rappelling 101

~ no class on 1/28 ~

Week 4 (2/4). Cleaning the Anchor
Week 5 (2/11). Multi-Pitch I
Week 6 (2/18). Multi-Pitch II
Week 7 (2/25). Self-Rescue I: Escaping the Belay
Week 8 (3/4). Self-Rescue II: Ascending the Line
Week 9 (3/11). Self-Rescue III: Passing the knot
Week 10 (3/18). Self-Rescue IV: Unassisted Hoists
Week 11 (3/25). Self-Rescue V: Passing the Anchor

Week 12 (4/1). Review and Assessment

Please call (323) 505-7000 or email to be placed on the waitlist if this series is already full.

Pre-requisite: both top rope and lead certification at The Stronghold

$325 (members only)

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